The Post-Modern
Jean-François Lyotard (1984), known as the figure who first introduce the concept Postmodernisme in philosophy. Long-term postmodern is used in the world of architecture. Posmo reject the idea of autonomy aesthetik from modernis. We can not separate art from politics and social environment, and reject the separation between art and reasonable with the popular culture. Posmo reject hirarkhi, geneologik, reject continuity, and development. Posmo attempt mempersentasikan can not dipersentasikan by modernism, as Lyotard. Why modernism can not be present, because logikanya still bound by the standard logic, while posmo develop the creative ability to create new meaning, using the logic that is not standard. Both the theory and the theory of the role-expectations, they explain social behavior in relation to role expectations in contemporary society. Some other psychologists would step farther. Basically the theory is known as posmodernisme or abbreviation "POSMO" is a strong reaction against the modern world. Posmodernisme theory, for example, states that in modern society, in a graded loss of individuality akan independence, self-concept, or identity. According to Denzin, 1986; Murphy, 1989; Down, 1991; Gergen, 1991 (in Mustafa Hasan) that in view of this theory, we attempt to fulfill the role that dirancangkan to us by the people, cause our individuality is replaced by the image of themselves while we used and then we campakkan. Based on the views posmodernisme, erosion appear at the same level of individuality with the rising capitalism and rationality. These factors reduce the importance of personal and nonpersonal emphasis. Capitalism or modernism, according to this theory, the human is seen as goods that can be traded-in value (price) is determined by how big can dihasilkannya. After World War II, people increasingly are seen as consumers and as producers. Advertising industry and create the image of commercial masmedia able to reduce the diversity of individuality. Personality into lifestyle. Human considered ago virginity but not by how much capacity model lifestyle. What we consider as "our own choices" in the case of music, food, and others, for the indulgence of the culture of a place that matches the structure of our economy and our society. For example, young people prefer to Indonesian music "rap" is not another is because each time they dijejali ear by music through radio, television, film, CD, and so forth. Love the music "rap" to adolescent lifestyle. And if they do not like music "rap" is not an adolescent lifestyle. Behavior of someone determined by the lifestyle of people in the surrounding, not by himself. Virginity lost individualitasnya vanish. That is the modern man, according to such views, the "posmo". Essentially, the theory of roles, expectations, representations, and illustrations provide posmodernisme structural perspective in terms of how expectations affect the social behavior of individuals. Consistent with this perspective, the structure of the pattern of social interaction is happening in this part masyarakat.Dalam view, individuals have a passive role in determining perilakunya. Individuals have the power to act as a pressing social structure. According to Pauline Rosenau (1992) defines the Postmodern explicit term in the opposite, among others: First, is the postmodernisme criticism over the failure of modern society and fulfill the promise-promise. Postmodern also tend to criticize all things associated with the accumulation of experience modernitas.Yaitu Western civilization is industrialization, urbanization, technological progress, the state of the nation, life in the fast lane. But their doubts priorities such as a modern career, occupation, personal responsibility, bureaucracy, liberal democracy, tolerance, humanism, egalitarianisme, research objectives, evaluation criteria, procedures neutral, impersonal rules and rationality. Second, teoritisi postmodern tend to reject what is usually known with a view of the world (world view), metanarasi, totality, and so forth. As Baudrillard (1990:72) who understand the movement of large or impulsi, with the power of positive, effective and attractive they are (modernis) was sirna. Postmodernis usually fill life with the explanation that is very limited or there is no explanation. However, this indicates that there is always a rift between the words postmodernis and what they apply. As we will see, at least some postmodernis create narratives of their own. Many are forming postmodernis theoretical Marxian, and consequently they always try to take a distance from the narrative of the menyifatkan position. Third, the postmodern thinkers tend to rant menggembor large pramodern phenomena such as emotions, feelings, intuition, reflection, speculation, personal experiences, customs, violence, metaphysics, tradition, cosmology, magic, myths, religious sentiment and mystical experience. As seen, in this case Jean Baudrillard (1988) is correct, especially the exchange of thoughts about the symbolic (Symbolic exchange). Fourth, teoritisi postmodern reject the modern trend of placing boundaries between things such as certain academic discipline, culture and life, fiction and theory, image and reality. Study most of the postmodern thinkers tend to develop one or more of the limit and suggested that others might do the same. For example, Baudrillard (1988) decompose in the form of social theory, fiction, science fiction, poetry and so forth. Fifth, many postmodernis reject modern style diskursus the rigorous academic and bernalar (Nuyen, 1992:6). Destination postmodern authors acapkali surprise and startle the reader rather than help the reader with a disputatious logic and reason. It also tends to be more literal than academic style. Finally, the postmodern rather focus on the core (core) of modern society, but the postmodern set teoritisi their attention on the edge (periphery). As described by Rosenau (1992:8) that in regard to what has been taken by the board (taken for granted), what has been ignored, the resistance-area, omission, ketidakrasionalan, ketidaksignifikansian, suppression, boundary lines, classic, confidentiality, ketradisionalan, eccentricity, kesublimasian, rejection, ketidakesensian, kemarjinalan, keperiferian, lack, weakness, residence, accident, dismissal, disqualification, delays, ketidakikutan. From some of the above, can be understood that teoritisi postmodern offer intermediasi from determinasi, the difference (diversity) than unity (unity), the differences and complexity of the synthesis of simplikasi. The more common, Bauman (1992:31) define the postmodern culture, among others: pluralistis, running under the constant changes, less in terms of the binding authority of the universal, involving a hierarkis levels, refer to the interpretation polivalensi, dominated by the media and message - messages, less in absolute terms because of the fact that there are signs, and is dominated by the audience. More Bauman (1992:98) explains that postmodernitas means that the exemption from the modern tendency to overcome the special ambivalence of clarity single plug akan uniformity ... Postmodernitas is that modernity has admitted the impossibility of a project originally planned. Postmodernitas modernity that is at peace with kemustahilannya and decided, about good and bad, to live with it. Modern practice continues today, although devoid objectives (ambivalence), which had memicunya. Thus it can be concluded that postmodernitas worrying but still brisk. Or in other words, postmodernitas with a full-inomic opportunity tercerabut between the open and he threats that lurk behind every opportunity. Also most people have postmodernis, as we know, a view that is much more pessimistic on the postmodern society. This is in line with the thinking Jameson (1989) that the postmodern society structured on the five main elements include: (1) divided by postmodern society superfisialitas and kedangkalannya, (2) there is a reduction of up emotions or influence in the postmodern world; (3) have historisitas a loss, a result of this postmodern world are characterized by pastiche; (4) is not productive technologies, even postmodern world is represented by reproductive technologies and, (5) multinational capitalist system.