July 26, 2009

About Dayak ethnic origin (Budaya dan Karakteristik Suku Dayak )

About Dayak Ethnic Origin
About the origin Dayak tribe, which received a lot of theory is the theory of Chinese immigration, the nation's Yunan Province in South China. Population Yunan pro-immigration, large-scale (in small groups) in the estimate in the year of 3000-1500 BCE (BCE). Some of them to roam Tumasik and Malay peninsula, before the region to Indonesia. Some other past Hainan, Taiwan and filipina.Pada first migration wave that some experts called by Proto-wilt, come negroid groups and weddid. While the second wave, in an amount greater than that in the Deutero-Malays. Migrants Deutero-Malay then inhabit the beach area is called Kalimantan and the Malay race. Proto-and Deutero-wilt wilt actually came from the same country. According H.TH. Fisher, migration from asia first phase occurred in the era of Tretier. Then, the Asian continent and the island of Kalimantan is still ignites the archipelago, which allows the Mongoloid race from asia roam through the land in Kalimantan and to traverse the mountain now called Muller-Schwaner mountains. Pegungungan that comes from rivers, all of Kalimantan. Estimated, the range in a long time, they must spread the rivers downstream to the coast and then inhabit the island Kalimantan Dayak tribe next story is about how they wave-wave the other groups that came to Kalimantan. Dayak tribe had to build a kingdom. Dayak in the oral tradition, often called "Java Nansarunai Uşak", ie, a kingdom of Dayak Nansarunai destroyed by Majapahit, which is estimated to occur between the years 1309-1389 (Fridolin Ukur, 1971). Incident resulted in a push Dayak tribes and sprawl, some incoming hinterland. Flow happens next major influence on the Islamic kingdom of Demak berasala with the inclusion of Malay traders (around 1608). Most of the Dayak tribes embrace Islam no longer recognizes himself as the Dayak, but mentions himself as a person or persons Banjar Malay. While the Dayak people who reject Islam, the river again, into the hinterland of Central Kalimantan, in the living areas Timber Tangi, Amuntai, Margasari, Watang Amandit, Labuan and Watang Balangan long. Continue to push some more entry jungle. Dayak people who embraces islam are mostly located in South Kalimantan and some Kotawaringin, one of the Sultan of the Sultanate of Banjar is famous Lambung Mangkurat is a Dayak (Ma'anyan or Danum OT) Not only from Indonesia, the other nations also came to Kalimantan. Chinese nation is starting to come to Kalimantan in the year 1368-1643 Ming Dynasty. Manuscripts from berhuruf starch mentioned that the city's first visit was in Banjarmasin. But still not clear whether the Chinese nation in the coming era Bajarmasin (under Majapahit hegemony) or in the era of Islam. Arrival Chinese nation does not move result Dayak population and does not have direct influence as directly as they only trade, especially with the kingdom in the Banjar Banjarmasin. They do not trade directly with the Dayak people. Chinese heritage of the nation is still kept by some tribes such as the Dayak malawen plates, pot (jar) and ceramic equipment. In fact, another source said since the beginning of V century Chinese nation has been up to in Kalimantan. In the XV century King Yung Lo send a large force of war to the south (including the archipelago) under Ho Chang, and return to China in the year 1407, after the previous stop in to Java, Kalimantan, Malacca, Manila and Solok. In the year 1750, Sultan Mempawah accept the Chinese (from Brunei) who are looking for gold. Chinese people are also carrying merchandise among opium, silk, glassware such as plates, cups, bowl and jar
Traditional performing arts community called Kutai Mamanda. The term comes from the alleged mamanda term pamanda or uncle. The word in a story is a call addressed to the king's ministers, wajir or mangkubuminya with a pamanda minister, pamanda wajir and pamanda mangkubumi.Karena word often spoken in pamanda each director, the term is a nickname for the art show itself. Mamanda traditional art of drama is one of the popular performing arts in Kutai in the past. Art is always be on every national celebration, the wedding, khitanan and sebagainya.Mamanda is one type of entertainment that the public be. Mamanda can disejajarkan with art Kethoprak and Ludruk in Java. If the way the story presented in Mamanda is about a kingdom, then the director Mamanda is similar to Kethoprak. However, if the story is dilakonkan ordinary people, the staging Mamanda is similar to Ludruk. In pementasannya, Mamanda always use two types of equipment that is musical instrument drum and violin. This art is rarely dipentaskan openly. However, in the Festival in the city Trenggalek Tenggarong, arts Mamanda often be open to fill in one of the entertainment event of the people. Meanwhile, through the local television media, the arts Mamanda shown once a week. Stories from the diverting Mamanda not lose with the story or film sinetron. Even though no figures Mamanda in "standard" but can be added other figures with the other stories, stories mamanda meaning can be created in accordance with the development of the era. What showtimes mamanda longer duration of the whole night now adjusted to the demand, mean duration can be 3 hours or 5 hours. Istemewanyanya Mamanda, can be played with a script as a whole or only terater modern story set with a great story line such as, Babakan and plot, while the dialogue is known by the term impropisasi. Players - the players Mamanda known berimpropisasi expertise. Figures mamanda a standard that is the King, Mangkubumi, vizier, the Prime Minister, The War, First hope, hope the second wage earner, empress, the Son of the King (or daughter can Pangeran). Figures according to other stories such as the King of another country, Youth, marauder, Jin, the Netherlands, or from other regions (Java, China, Batak, Madurese or other). As well as in the modern theater, showtimes starting before akan sinopsisnya is, in mamanda presented through "Baladon". Baladon story is said to be melodious and dance movement. Stories mamanda can berkolaburasi with art or dance music. That is the kingdom after the meeting finished akan showtimes dance show with the purpose of entertaining the king or the kingdom of the whole apparatus of the war when the kingdom held showtimes entertainment or dance music skelter. Mamanda origin is noble entourage when Badamuluk Malacca (Abdoel Moeloek noble or Indra, 1897 M) which is headed by Encik Ibrahim and his wife Cik Eve, live in the few months the Banjar showtimes. Theater is popular so quickly in the middle of the Banjar. After adapting, theater is a new birth to a theater called "Mamanda". Mamanda have any understanding of "greeting" to the respected people in the kinship system or kekjluargaan. Mamanda has two streams. First: Flow Batang Banyu. Who live in the coastal river areas in the Hulu Sungai Margasari. Often called Mamanda pot. Second: Flow Tubau years beginning in 1937 M. Flow of life in this area Tubau Rantau. Dipentaskan often land in the area. This flow is also called Mamanda Batubau. This flow is developed in the Banjar. Showtimes Mamanda cultural values have showtimes Mamanda That is in addition to the entertainment media as also function as a medium of education for the public Banjar. Stories presented both on the history of life, a good example toladan, social criticism or satire of a building, democratic, and cultural values Banjar community. Begins, Mamanda have a music suite with the orchestra wilt mendendangkan rhythmic songs wither, now switch to the accompaniment skelter with the song Two mendendangkan expectancy, Two King song, Tarima Love Songs, Songs Baladon, Mambujuk music, song Tirik, Japin Songs, Songs Gandut, Mandung-Mandng song, song and nation.
Communication and Language Initially, the social community in lingkupan Dayak in Central Kalimantan, the language used is language Dayak. In this case there is some kind of language Dayak, Dayak Ngaju such as language, language Maanyan Dayak, Dusun, Bakumpai, and other. From some type of language, language can be said Ngaju Dayak language is the most popular in Central Kalimantan. Popular word here in the sense that most people in Central Kalimantan, both from upstream to downstream, from west to east across the Central Kalimantan Dayak understand language.
• Appearance For the Dayak tribes who lived in Sarawak border Kalimantan and Malaysia, for example, a tattoo around the fingers of the tribe indicates that benevolent treatment as experts. The more tattoos on the hands, showed him the more and more experts to help in the community pengobatan.Bagi Dayak Dayak Kenyah and Kayan in East Kalimantan, many people describe the tattoo is often roam. Since each village has a different motif tattoo, the tattoo signifies the owner has visited many villages. Do not imagine the village is only a few kilometers. In Kalimantan, antarkampung distance can be hundreds and even thousands of kilometers, and the boat must be using the river more than a month! Tattoos can also be given to the nobleman. Among the Dayak Kenyah people, a common motif for the nobleman (paren) are the hornbills of endemic birds that dikeramatkan.Adapun Kalimantan Dayak Iban for, the tribe and its descendants with the motif ditato "top of the world" or something that lives in the air. In addition motifnya selected, how to manufacture tattoo nobility usually more subtle detail and compared to the middle-tattoo (panyen). Subsuku for the other, the tattoo is associated with the tradition mengayau or decapitate the enemy in a war. This tradition is already tens of years is not done anymore, but used the more mengayau, tatonya motif is more special and unique. Tattoos for the daredevil in this battleground, usually placed in the right shoulder. But on the other subsuku, placed in the left arm if keberaniannya "normal", and in the right arm, if courage and keperkasaannya in the battle field is outside or biasa.Tato Parung or betik not only for men but also women. For men, tattoos can be made in any part of the body, while the female is usually only on the legs and tangan.Jika in men is associated with a tattoo of an award or honor, making the women more motivated religious tattoo. At a certain subsuku, making tattoos also associated with women's self, so that the technical term tedak kayaan, which means that women do not bertato considered lower in rank than the bertato. However, views such as this only applies in a small subsuku Dayak.Pada Kayan Dayak tribe, there are three kinds of tattoos that are usually in the women's clothing, among other tedak kassa, ie covers the whole foot and after the adult. Tedak usuu, tattoos are made on all hands and tedak hapii on the entire thigh. Meanwhile, in the Dayak Kenyah tribe, making tattoos on women starting at age 16 years or after the first period. For tattoos for women, is done with the customary ceremonies in a special home. During the making of tattoos, all men should not be out of the house. Besides, the whole family is also required to undergo a variety of taboo to avoid disaster for the women who are ditato and their families. Motif tattoo for women, more limited, such as drawing a picture that is black around the finger joint called the song irang or bamboo shoots. As for the cross on the back of the book is called finger ikor. Tattoos on the wrist called the tiger face image silong lejau.Ada also made a tattoo on the thigh. Dayak women have a tattoo on the thigh high social status and are usually equipped at the bottom of the bracelet betis.Motif tattoos are usually in the thigh also like silong lejau. The difference with the tattoo on the hand, there are transverse to the calf, called nang klinge.Tato rarely found in the knee. However there is also the tattoo on the knee in men and women, who usually made at the end of making tattoos in the body. Tattoos are made on the knee and calf to the circle to the snake-like, actual dog imitation or called tuang buvong ASU. Tattoos on both men and women, traditionally made to use the orange spine long and slow-slow and use some of the needles at once. That does not change is the creation of the tattoo usually use the crock pot's color hitam.Tato colors that made the young man now, tattoo is just decoration that does not have any meaning. Image and the placement is done carelessly and origin-derived. Tattoos like that at all does not have a religious value and appreciation, but only just for beauty, and who want to have even considered to be the champion.
• Food Dayak identity is not always the problem of narrow, language, architecture design, turf and ground vegetation diversity, treatment. One of which is owned by the Dayak tribe of food. Dayak tribe leaders really like juhu rimbang, patin side dish, side dish papuyu, juhu taya and more types of food processed from a natural kalimantan. Likewise bat / bengamat. Food is owned by the Dayak people, processed and cooked properly then the food is very delicious. Lemang, a food dayak
Traditional norms Seven Principles of role models & Norma Dayak Kalteng
1. Dayak tribe has a form of body and organs as a human, not animals, such as caudate, because it is seen that clothing made from animal skin. 2. Dayak tribe or a native of the island of Kalimantan 3. Dayak people are not cutting the neck and the human consumer. 4. The general nature of Dayak is brave, honest, humane, and benevolent setiakawan. 5. Dayak people prefer to give in (especially for immigrants), humility and respect tetuanya. 6. Dayak people have art, culture and sensitive to beauty. 7. Dayak people aware of the law and obey the law that treated him. 8. Dayak people respect the customs and beliefs of others, full of tolerance and not fanatical. 9. Dayak people agree to changes that do not violate customary, antusia period of growth and response to the Science & Technology.
• Awards Tattoos for the Dayak ethnic communities are part of the tradition, religion, social status of someone in the community, and can also form as a tribute to the ability of a tribe. Therefore, the tattoo can not be made carelessly. There are certain rules in making the tattoo or Parung, good choice of pictures, the social structure of the ditato and placement tatonya. However, the tattoos have a religious meaning in the Dayak community, namely as a "torch" in the journey toward a natural immortality after death.
• Spirituality Dayak people trust the system, which includes trust in the spirits, called kaharingan. They believe that the spirit of the deceased will go to a place called natural Datu Tunjung punu gamari. To be able to reach that place must be special ceremonies, led by walian or purchase. In addition there are informal leaders in the community, for example, pangulu, mantir, and pembakal Relationships-Hubungsn Kinship system Dayak people drawn based on patrilineal principles, forms of kinship with the most important is extended family. An extended family occupy a large house called betang or balal or lamin. Mi big house in the Dayak people hold ceremonies and religious activities. Some combination of extended family-oriented one ancestor who is very respected. Reverence for the spirit of the ancestors are closely tied to their belief system.

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