July 27, 2009

Tatto meaning for the community dayak tribe

Do not be surprised if people go to villages and meet with the dayak people - parents who decorated the various tattoo beautiful in some parts of the body. Tattoos decorate the body they are not just decoration, especially that blade is considered. But, for the community dayak tattoos have a very deep meaning. Tattoos are part of the tradition, religion, social status in a community, and can also form as a tribute to the ability of a tribe. Therefore, the tattoo can not be made carelessly. There atuarn - certain rules in making tattoos or Parung, good choice of pictures, the social structure of the tattoo and the placement of tattoos. However, the tattoos have a religious meaning in the Dayak community, namely as a "torch" or torch in the journey toward a natural immortality, after die.because, more tattoos, "torch" will be light and natural way to eternity the field. However, permanent tattoos are not making as much as possible - many are careless, because it must comply with the rules - rules customary.

Each sub-tribe of Dayaks have different rules in making tattoos. In fact, there are also sub-tribe which does not recognize dayak tattoo tradition, says Mering Ngo, citizen Dayak tribe who is also a graduate of the University anthropologist Indonesia.Bagi dayak tribe who lived Serawak border Kalimantan and Malaysia, for example, a tattoo around the fingers of the tribe indicates that helpful as medication experts. The more tattoos on the hands, showed him the more and more experts to help in treatment. For the community and the Dayak Kenyah Dayak Kayan in East Kalimantan, many people describe the tattoo is often roam. Since each village has a different motif tattoo, the tattoo signifies the owner has visited many villages. Do not imagine the village is only a few kilometers. In Kalimantan, the distance between the village hundreds of kilometers and can be applied using a boat or walk the river with the odyssey that is not the time and tired. In the community dayak Kenyah, a common motif for the nobleman (paren) are the hornbills of endemic birds that sacred Kalimantan. As for the Dayak Iban, the tribe and its descendants with the motif he ditato things that live in the air. In addition motifnya selected, how to manufacture tattoo nobility usually more subtle and very detail compared to the middle-tattoos (panyen). For the other sub-tribes, the tattoo is associated with the tradition menganyau or decapitate the enemy in a war. Ngayau this tradition has not done more, but used the more mengayau, tatonya motif is more special and unique. Tattoos or Parung or betik not only done for the men - men, but also women. For men - men, tattoos can be made anywhere on the body, while the female is usually only on the feet and hands. If the men - men associated with the tattoo of the award or honor, making the women more motivated religious tattoo. "The making of tattoos on the hands and feet can be protected from the influence of evil spirits, or always be in the shelter of the earth," said Yacobus Bayau Lung. In the Dayak Kayan tribe, there are three kinds of tattoos that are usually disandang women, among other tedak kassa, ie covers the whole foot and after the adult. Tedak usuu, tattoos are made on all hands and tedak hapii on the entire thigh. Meanwhile, in the Dayak Kenyah tribe, making tattoos on women starting at age 16 years or after the first period. For tattoos for women, is done with the customary ceremonies disebuah house special. During the making of tattoos, all men should not be out of the house. Besides, the whole family is also required to undergo a variety of taboo to avoid disaster for the women who are in the tattoo and her family. Dayak women have a tattoo on the thigh high social status and are usually equipped at the bottom of the ring shank. Tattoos are very rarely found in the knee. However, there were tattoos in bagia knee in men and women, who usually made at the end of making tattoo dibadan. Tattoos are made over the knee and calf to the circle to the snake-like, actual dog so - called invented or tuang buvong ASU. Tattoos on both men or women, is traditionally made using orange spine long. Along with the development time and use some of the needles at once. That does not change is the creation of the tattoo usually use the smoke from the pot black.

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